Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Cancer is the most dangerous disease of all in recent times. It can occur both in men and women.causes. in our subcontinent men cause cancer due to smoking, beetle nuts. Tobacco can also cause throat or mouth cancer. Cigarette cause throat and lungs cancer. Other reasons are disorder in hormones, imbalanced diet and infections in wounds etc. experts are of the view that wrong choice of diet is the main cause of cancer. Researches have shown that use of animal proteins cause this disease.
Treatment by Diet:
Cancer treatment consists of complete change of diet, avoid of smoking and living in clean environment. Researches have proved that diet plays an important role in cancer treatment.
First Stage:
In this stage patient should use juicy fruits i.e oranges, grape fruit, lemon, apple, plum, pine apple and tomato. Vegetables’ juice specially carrot juice will be effective for him. This diet plan is for first five days.
Second Stage:
At second stage raw fruits and vegetables should be stressed specially carrot, vegetables with green leaves, cabbage, onion, cucumber, garlic and beet root. The writer of the book “ the grape cure” Johanrant has claimed that grapes are very effective for the treatment of cancer. She herself has been the patient of cancer. She told that during ailment, she just used to eat grapes and drink its juice. She told the method of its treatment that to change diet plan, patient should first go without food for two days after it he should use grapes from 8 a.m to 8 p.m after every two hours. Then after one week repeat this act. In early stage 30,60, or 90 grams grapes should be taken then gradually increase its quantity. Even 250 grams can be eaten without any hesitation.
All the scientists of world have proved that cancer patients should use green and orange color fruits and vegetables to avoid cancer.