Wednesday, May 11, 2011

game of thrones artwork

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 25, 12:36 AM
    I am with you. When I read post like this it proves to me that 16 is to young at times. I know the stupid crap I pulled when I was 16 in a car and I got some lucky breaks and still had a 400 buck repair bill for my car and 400 bucks was be getting damn luck that I did not do more damage.

    I also remember thinking I was a great driver as well. Looking back damn was I wrong. I was a very crappy driver.
    His post has multiple things that shows that he is a bad driver and beyond the legal issues of doing 20 over he clearly does not know how to speed. The lady should never of had to make a quick maneuver to get out of his way.

    As for motorcycle I learned long ago to give them a wide birth because I know they have enough jack ass to tail gate them. I will rather give them plenty of room allowing myself extra reaction time as I know they can stop faster than I can and they do not have a metal body protecting them like I do.
    Here in New Zealand the age for driving is 15, but they've upped it to 16 and are thinking of putting it up to 17 because of drivers like the OP.

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  • RazzTheFrog
    Sep 13, 08:55 PM
    Finally is this it?

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  • levitynyc
    Sep 9, 10:52 AM
    I have had a few BSODs in XP, but they are rare. Mainly I used to leave my tower on 24/7 and the worst I would get is switching my monitor on first thing in the morning or when I got home from work and see it had rebooted itself and was telling me it was an invalid system disc.

    Since Mac, never once has this happened, (even though I tend to power down on this more often, I still often leave running 24/7 if it is doing something that requires up time).

    Strangely enough, I am one fo the few that never had that many problems with ME.

    Never had the BSOD on XP, but on ME ....WOW that was one shutty OS!

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  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 16, 12:43 AM
    Just a quick thought... It's been mentioned in other threads, but I really think the camera has to be able to swivel in some way if we want to be able to take pictures of stuff in front of us while looking at the screen, and have video chats too (during which you want the camera and the screen to both be facing you). I don't recall seeing decent mock-ups that address this issue.

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  • hdsalinas
    Aug 28, 03:27 PM
    my cat has told me that there will be a 23" chin-less iMac with the new Core 2 Duo chips, 1gig std, wireless kbd and mouse std. Or he is just hungry - hard to tell just what he is saying but he has friends in high places (trees mostly)

    still heres hoping he's spot on

    This would be great.

    Apple, offer the 23" screen at the same price the 20" is now and the "new" 20 with the 17�s price. Also, go ahead and surprise everyone by releasing Leopard for Christmas. Oh, and BTW, if you upgrade the memory to 1GB, make it just a single1GB stick and not two 512. (I want to be able to buy a sencond 1GB stick later on without wasting memory)

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  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 4, 08:01 PM
    If you're like me, you don't have your Mac right next to your TV. Not only would I have to string a DVI/HDMI cable aaaall the way across the room, I would also have to get an equally long digital audio cable. Probably end up costing about the same as a video AirPort Express (if they keep the prices the same) but with the added hassle of getting those cables across the room.

    This would be a lot less expensive than buying a Mac mini, especially if you already have a powerful desktop just waiting to play some HD videos...

    Exactly! I think other potential twists would include a video Airport Express with a built-in TV tuner (to stream tv content back to your iMac/Mac Pro for recording, or an optional built-in HD for local storage when you don't have your Mac on or something.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 4, 04:54 PM
    I stand corrected.

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  • KilGil27
    Sep 26, 11:53 PM
    This may never come out...

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  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    Hey. A boy can dream, right?

    Remember when Apple put the latest and greatest GPUs in their computers? /looks back to the blue and white G3 keynote

    Im with you dude...I see NO reason that apple couldnt pony up for a legitimate GPU. Especially since the 27iMac has alot of pixels to push...heck, the base GPU should have a GB of frame buffer at least. Ahhh, base 6850, 150.00 upgrade gets you a 6950 :D

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  • iApples
    Apr 4, 12:28 PM
    Anybody responsible for guarding should have a gun. If the person isn't qualified to carry a gun, they he/she isn't qualified to guard anything and shouldn't be a guard.

    When you're exchanging gunfire with a criminal, the main goal is not to wound; it is to remove the threat to your life completely. Let's say the guard shoots the guy in the arm, the guy's going to be so pumped up on adrenaline that he's not going to even know he's shot, giving him plenty of opportunity to take another shot.

    Ask yourself this: If it were your life he was guarding, what would you want the guard to do?

    Well said.

    I don't feel bad for criminals... I rather see him die than an innocent bystander that was just visiting the Apple store.

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  • cuestakid
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    I think people need to remember that not every cell phone is avaliable on every carrier-meaning that if this phone is only on a couple of carriers, someone who's carrier isnt avaliable is gonna be whinning and complaining

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  • haruhiko
    Apr 28, 11:15 PM
    I still don't understand why nobody has managed to make a viable alternative to Microsoft Office, esp. Microsoft Excel. Apple's iWork is fine, but clearly not enough and of course there is no Windows version. Google is too obsessed with the cloud and ad thing and didn't make Google Docs a local app for Windows / Mac / Smartphones with Dropbox like cloud capabilities. :(

    So Microsoft can continue to be fed with its Windows / Office monopolies for the foreseeable future.

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  • Maestro64
    Oct 27, 10:42 AM
    I wrote this on another site so if you heard it before that is why:

    I will start by saying groups like greenpeace serve a useful purpose, which is to challenge the status quo in the hopes of improving things in the world.

    However, greenpeace is far from being pure in their own methods. Anyone can point out what is wrong, it take people with true willingness to improve thing to find a solution, not just lobbing gernades into the middle of the table and running.

    Notice how they never answer the questions about how to solve the problem they just say stop using chemicals like brominated flame retardants, with no regard that Apple does not make, or innovate PCB (printed circuit boards). Apple does not dictate or madate what is used to keep a PCB from going up in flames as does any company who uses PCB. The PCB industry does and the world wide public safey agency who say that the PCB will not catch fire and burn your house down have this responsibility.

    Asked yourself, why hasn't the world's governments band bromited fire retardants when it is well know it is bad, really bad. because the best minds in the world have yet to come up with a cost effective alternative solution that will keep a PCB from catching fire and buring your house down. and still pay $200 for your iPod.

    Trust me if greenpeace came up with a green PCB having no impact on the environment the world market would beat their door down to get it. Then they could stop having those poor long hair young kids coming around our neighborhoods asking for money to fight all those big bad companies. But that would be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.

    Part of the reason most companies do not listen to greenpeace is because, when they offer a solution many times they come back years later and say hey that is bad too. Prime example they and other groups told McDonalds in the 70's to stop using paper products to package their burgers, and told them to use styrofoam since it did not require the cutting of trees. Only to come back years later and say styrofoam was hurting the atmophere and they should use paper products. I think they forgot they told them using paper was bad too.

    BTW, DELL and HP are trying to make the change not because greenpeace told them stop, because it make business sense. The world is changing and people are tired of seeing all this stuff end up in land fills. In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back. Again, greenpeace had nothing to do with this, it about trade and the fact that Europe makes less and less products ever year and importors more. It is a trade barrier disguise as protecting the eco system.

    My comment to greenpeace and others is when you are naked in the woods living off the land and not impacting the earth yourself then you have room to critized what the rest of the world is doing. Think about how much greenpeace has impacted the earth getting their message out, all the computers, networks , chemicals, fossil fuel, nuclear engery that was used to just get this message to all of us. They never consider this, becuase they feel it is ok for them to impact the earth as long as they are doing it in the name of conservation.

    Full disclosure, I own Apple stock and as well as I have given money to organization like greenpeace and the Sierra club

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  • KilGil27
    Sep 19, 02:40 PM
    This is fairly remarkable, considering that the really only viable place to watch these movies is on an iPod! Yes, you can watch it on your iMac, or on your television hooked to a Mac Mini.
    or... any other computer you wanted to...

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  • gri
    Apr 22, 03:53 PM
    Apple should produce a really light and small MacBook Air: 400 to 600 g and 7-inches. The Mac in your pocket. Always.

    Its already there and even smaller - and called iPhone...:rolleyes:

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  • TheManOfSilver
    Sep 5, 07:19 PM

    Try visiting ;)

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  • juicedropsdeuce
    Mar 22, 03:11 PM
    24 inch useless? Thanks god, for telling us what's what.

    Honestly, if it made any sense whatsoever then Apple wouldn't have killed it. Do the math. You're living in the past, kid.

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  • gkarris
    Mar 29, 02:49 PM
    all current symbian users go to win

    no webOS factor (other than "other") ?

    i have to believe that a couple of these platforms will surprise us

    rooting for iOS

    I had a few Nokia phones back in the day and they were all awesome.

    A few Nokia users I know are going to either get an iPhone or Android phone. Most are upset that they went with Windows Mobile instead of Android.

    Surprise, surprise...

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  • chatin
    Sep 9, 07:59 PM
    Core 2 is a significantly different beast architecturally from Yonah to Merom. Merom has Intel's clone of AMD's cloned/extended x86 instruction set*, 64-bit instructions as well as long overdue changes to handling of old instructions, allowing this generation of CPUs to better utilize registers.

    The Yonah is not related to Intel's big disaster chip, the Pentium D 810, but was botched to the point that the engineers turned off EMT64!

    Oct 12, 04:11 PM
    Steve, if you are reading this, make a nano in ORANGE and I'll buy one. :)

    Sorry if someone already mentioned orange in this thread. I just came along and couldn't be bothered to read the entire thread up to this point.


    Personally, I'd love a true blue or navy blue one.

    Aug 31, 01:28 PM
    It may rely on a few extra things though. Let's say, a video iPod with a big capacity

    Yeah, I hope when the new video iPods come out, storage capacity will be up'd as well. Honestly though, I've so many movies and tv shows on my 30gb video iPod right now, I don't think I'd need much more than a 60gb if I were to upgrade.

    On my 30gb video iPod I've got stuff like all 3 of the LOTR Extended Edition movies, around 150 eps. of various Star Trek tv shows, about 30 Kids in Hall eps., all 3 Star Wars films, tons of music videos, a couple of Harry Potter movies, an anime flick, a bunch of Sealab shorts, some South Park eps. all of the Indiana Jones films, and a few more things. I still have over 7GB free for music as well.

    Having an even bigger capacity drive on my iPod video--I'd go nuts. :)

    Sep 26, 11:29 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

    Why would anybody stop their Verizon or Sprint service for an iPHONE? Does cingular even carry a broadband wireless service? EV-DO is only getting better and Cingular can't even come close to the same offerings.

    I'm sure it will be a nice phone, but don't be disappointed when you can't call anybody without being in roaming. Also don't be disappointed when your bluetooth tethering for internet is slower than a 300 baud modem on a commodore 64. :D

    Once again... Apple teams up with a loser. Misery loves company. I pray this contract only lasts a year or LESS. CINGULAR... jeeze:mad:

    Nov 14, 10:23 AM
    I'm just a regular iPhone user...not a developer. I just want my phone work. And I want the apps to be fully vetted and tested before they are available for download. RA's action doesn't make me dislike the iPhone, Mac computers, or Apple. In fact, quite the opposite. It makes RA look childish. I say...good riddance. Oh, and I'm also now less likely to purchase other software from RA. Just sayin'

    That's a shame, Mike, because RA's mac-based apps are fantastic. I use them all the time at the small community radio station I volunteer at. I admittedly have not tried their iphone app.

    Like you, I am also not a developer, just an end user. And as an end user, Apple's mishandled control of the gatekeeper role is incredibly frustrating. As an end user, if a program I'm using has a bug that can impinge on my ability to use it, I like to have a responsive system that fixes that bug. A responsive developer is important, but so is a responsive gatekeeper, if that role exists. Apple has repeatedly shown themselves to be a failure point in a system of their own devising.

    To a certain extent the issue isn't even if RA's use of these images was in violation of the SDK (though, of course that is a big issue), but, again as an end user, how is the system that's in place functioning to resolve the issues that matter to the common customer of the developer and Apple? Unfortunately there are very visible breakdowns in the process and I want to see those treated as serious bugs and fixed accordingly.

    Apr 29, 09:53 PM
    Apple's market share is growing but the fact that they supposedly (according to other posts) sell 90% of the computers that cost more than $1000 indicates that they are never going to really own the market. If they want to achieve true market dominance they need to lower their prices to attract the "I ain't paying over $800 for a fricking computer" crowd (the vast majority of people). Until they make their products affordable to the majority, they will never have a majority of the market share. Windows will always be around unless they make their products so that everyone can buy one.

    They can still make record profits though.

    However, if you exclude revenue that did not come from computers (ipods, itunes, etc.) and only look at products that are directly comparable (both companies sell a similar product) Microsoft has decidedly more revenue. For example there are two stores: Store 1 (pharmacy and other things including non perishable food) and Store 2 (food only). Only a small portion of store 1 's revenue comes from food. Store 1 is bigger than store 2 but it would be wrong to assume that store 1 is a bigger player in the food market as only a small portion of its revenue comes from food. It actually has less market penetration than store 2.