Wednesday, May 11, 2011

good mothers day gifts from kids

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  • sebseb81
    Apr 6, 10:30 AM
    Maybe I'm just being optimistic but there have been a lot of models of the MBA in the refurb section of the Apple store online recently, and they've been there rather consistently (as has the regular old MB). Maybe both MBA and MB will be updated sooner than we think? June certainly sounds reasonable for the MBA, and the MB is due even sooner, I would imagine.

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 18, 05:38 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    pretty darn cool! won't go very well with the black look that i am after though ;)

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 26, 03:58 PM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    Mildly funny when it first started, but my god is that an old joke.

    In other news, Merom this, Merom that, just make sure you get it out on time Apple :p

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 28, 04:57 PM
    I am a new Mac owner. I just bought my new 20 " iMac and I am learing aout the upcomming conference and possible new product releases. I
    Would appreciate any thoughts on my question.

    I am considering returning the new 20" I just bought in the 14 day period and taking the 10% hit and waitning to see if the iMac gets updated and I will repurchase. What is the likelyhood that the version I have will be updated. I would be bummed if I just bought it and I am at the end of a cycle. The $160 fee would actuallly be worth it to me to get thte latest. I would have to return it prior to the conference to stay within the 14 days but i may not want to loose out on lthe chance to get the latest.

    Any thoughts on this 20 " model be increased with a new processor??


    New Mac owner.....merk850

    dont take it back.

    I dont think that the difference will be that much, with the new systems.

    If your happy with its performance then keep it.
    A mild CPU boost isnt all that, and I doubt that the video cards will be upped that much.

    I wouldnt take the hit in money lost, cause you can always sell it later down the line and get the lastest and greatest thats really a must buy.I respectfully disagree. I say take it back and be ready for a much faster iMac Core 2 Duo. You want the latest, take it back. It won't be the latest for many more weeks. Core 2 Duo will be the latest for two more years.

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  • ergle2
    Sep 19, 12:56 PM
    thx for your reply,

    i will go for the mac pro quad know (i'm updating my home computer wich is a G3, but i'm used to work on a dual G5 for my projects) and yeah i will allways be able then to update later, but how about ram, when DDR3 comes out, i read that its going to replace FB-DIMMs so will that be upgradeble too???
    cause these FB-DIMMS are so ********** expensive :) thx

    DDR and FB aren't mutually exclusive technologies. Current FB-DIMMs use DDR2 chips. Newer FB-DIMMs will use DDR3 chips but due to the way FB-DIMMs work -- the buffer and control hardware essentially sit between the memory and the MCH -- you should still be able to use them in a Mac Pro. Note, should, not will.

    You won't be able to use regular DDR3 DIMMs just like you can't use regular DDR2 DIMMs tho'. That's something that'd require a major design change to the motherboard.

    So, memory will still be damn' expensive compared to that found in the cheap desktops...

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 22, 04:24 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    It will be hard for the ipad competition to play the same game they play with computers. You know, subsidizing decent computers with bulk sales of low end devices. They tried this with tablets and they failed. Tablets are a luxury above and beyond a personal computer. No one buying a Dell for $300 is going to add on a tablet.

    So how are they going to match Apple's price with the same quality if they can't subsidize with low end garbage? Well samsung did it by using contracts. That is why you find it on amazon rankings not as a tablet but as a mobile phone.

    So take your pick. An ipad or a competitor of equal quality with a 2 year contract.

    I wonder if Samsung ever sold those 2 million units of the original galaxy that they shipped? And what was the true return rate anyway?

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  • gnasher729
    Jul 20, 01:06 PM
    I have a question.

    If Kentsfield is a relation of the Conroe part (ie. Core 2 Duo) then will it be capable of being configured in a pair to create a "octo" core machine?

    Surely that will require a Xeon class processor (like a quad version of the Woodcrest)?

    Most likely not. The other question is: Is it easy to plug a Kentsfield into a machine designed for Conroe (not for the end user, but for Apple), and is it easy to plug two Clovertowns into a machine designed for two Woodcrests?

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  • skunk
    Aug 6, 01:45 PM
    Um, is described as an "Applicant".

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 11:06 AM
    Nope, he looked it up on his computer and
    told me preorders start Thursday for Radio Shack.

    However, I would love to be proved wrong on that.

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  • bousozoku
    Nov 28, 10:16 PM
    I would assume that Microsoft agreed to pay Universal just because it could cause Apple problems, not because they felt any need to pay.

    Universal tried to sue Sony back in the 1970s over videocassette recorders. They were somewhat successful in scaring people from buying Sony VCRs, even though they weren't really successful in court.

    I can't see as how they'll be pushing Apple too far. It seems every day, Universal and its subsidiaries lose ground to competitors.

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  • h'biki
    Apr 11, 06:41 PM
    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    They are abandoning it. I know quite a few FCP editors who have switched to Avid MC5 or Premiere Pro.

    We are large facility with about 10-12 full time FCP editors and we will probably switch to Avid MC5 unless Apple provides *needed* features for the future.

    I'd there's a general mood of 'Apple is abandoning FCP' in the post community and facilities/users are setting up their exit strategies.

    And its a strategy. Buying into new software is expensive and time consuming.

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  • MattInOz
    Apr 6, 11:30 PM
    Although the only thing that will ultimately matter is what Apple releases on Tuesday, if you want to get an inkling as to why FCP development has been at loggerheads since do yourself a favour and read a couple articles from Philip Hodgett's blog on FCP, QTkit, Cocoa, and it's unfortunate collision with OSX's 64 bit platform development.

    Which has been in development longer FCP overhaul or iPhone?
    AV foundation was overkill for iOS from the outset so that would suggest is was always intended for FCP.

    His articles have a funny assumption that the OS team has the most secrecy.
    Surely the more valuable projects Like FCP have greater access to information and the greater control over when the broader company gets to see their work. Sure they would have been trumped to iPhone team who would seem to have free reign. The CoreOS team would seem like they are the most open their job is to turn the private API's developed by the product teams into to a public developer platform. A lot of their work is even open source.

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  • Al Coholic
    Mar 26, 06:03 PM
    Maybe not the worst, but definitely the most useless.

    Spotlight does a so much better job.

    Agreed. I keep my dock pretty sparse so if the app ain't there it's only a few keystrokes away.

    The new Launcher is just one of those eye-candy apps. It'll be the first thing I delete.

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  • gugy
    Sep 13, 01:47 PM
    NBC Nightly News can't be far behind. I'm so excited. Getting my Mom a High Definition Set For Christmas.

    Hey Multimedia,
    I have a question for you.
    Do you record HDTV with EyeTV 500 then encode to H.264 using Handbrake and then do you add it to itunes to manage and organize those shows or movies?

    I think this is a neat idea with you have the spare HD room and want to keep shows or events for long time and want to access it fast and easy.


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  • mazola
    Sep 19, 12:02 PM
    Maybe Apple will offer a FREE updated MBP as incentive to renew .Mac memberships.

    MAYBE !!!

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  • UmaThurman
    Sep 18, 11:09 PM
    Y'all just wait a bit longer. it'll come soon.

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  • barkomatic
    Mar 31, 03:38 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    I couldn't care less what problems Verizon and Motorola have if the end result is a beautiful and functional device. If not, I'll buy something else.

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  • bryanc
    Aug 27, 10:30 AM
    There's nothing stopping Apple, Dell or anyone else from cruising the forums, reading blogs, etc. and collecting the best ideas out there. They may well be doing this already, but they don't need to, because they employ lots of bright people who can generate good ideas as fast as anyone on these forums.

    The problem isn't coming up with the great ideas, it's doing the engineering, marketing, QA and legal wrangling necessary to get an idea implemented in a way that will work well, sell well, and not get you sued.

    Apple has been doing a better job of this, IMHO, than most corporations for the past few years, however, they clearly stepped in a big pile with Creative. Fortunately, Apple has an agile legal team, and they appear to have been able to flick most of it off their shoes and onto those of their competitors with their settlement.

    But my point is, Apple has no shortage of ideas, and the last thing they need is a ton of people filling out web forms with more 'great ideas' that they would wind up having to pay for.


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  • radiohead14
    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    We are still missing an 8" Galaxy Tab to complete the 7", 9", and 10" line of tablets.

    7", 8.9", 10" :)

    i'm looking forward to reviews of that 10" samsung galaxy tab. the hardware seems sleeker than the original design they previously introduced. i hope it still has dual stereo speakers on both sides. i'm guessing that they reduced down from 8mp to 3mp camera due to the price matching and not because it's thinner, since phones can easily fit 8mp cams in their slim forms. i also hope that they don't mess it up with that touchwiz interface, as far as updating the os. at this stage of honeycomb, you'd figure that google will be rolling quite a few updates to it. although, engadget reported that there will be versions that will come vanilla.

    Sep 19, 07:43 AM
    Actually, yes. I use my laptop as a portable desktop, and I do a lot of different things with my computer. My current PowerBook G4 is capable of some of them, but really not practical for many (scientific computing, ray-tracing molecular models, etc.). A current yonah-based MBP would certainly be faster, but it would still be a 32-bit processor, and like many other pro-users, I don't want to have to buy a new machine every year.

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd of thought buying the latest and fastest computer every year would be the first thing a 'pro-user' would do with his money.

    If speed really is that important to all you 'pro-users' why are so many of you using older computers which are far slower than the current Macbooks that have been available for many months?

    If I did something for a living which required heavy cpu processing, spending $1,000 updating it (cost price less resell price of old) would be the best $1,000 I could spend as I'd get the money back through increased productivity very quickly.

    Aug 7, 06:14 PM
    Why not just improve the Backup program that comes with .Mac or include it for free? Do we really need another interface? To me it looks like form over function.

    You are out of your mind. A true versioning file system is insanely useful, and has been a Holy Grail file system feature that has not existed largely because it requires some significant unused disk space and disk performance to use it -- it is not a cheap feature to implement. Once you have it and applications start to use its functionality it will be like the internet: you will wonder how you got on in the computer world without it.

    I do not care how they presented it, if it works as advertised then it is a "killer app" that will cause many people to part with their hard-earned money (myself included).

    Mar 26, 02:36 PM
    No, they could go DVD or Mac App Store. I hope we get a USB version, but I don't think it'll happen.
    My bet is on distribution on custom design USB drives, like this one (

    Aug 25, 04:36 PM
    Having to go through 5 Cinema Displays, two logic boards, a new processor set, a dented new PB, 12 Apple Store visits, and 16 hours on the phone with AppleCare pretty much sums up my satisfaction with Apple's support.

    They are nice and courteous, but not given the power to do much in most situations. Pass the buck is their motto.

    Apr 8, 08:24 AM
    Reminds me of a true story - went into one of those pre-made sandwich shops because I need to feed a horde unexpectedly, and quickly. I asked for all their stock of three different kinds of sandwich. The woman behind the counter said "but sir what will we sell to other people!".

    Bizarre way to run a business.

    Scenario 1: Store expects 1000 customers. Customer 15 walks in and buys all the store's stock. The remaining 985 customer walk in through the day and are told we have nothing to sell you. These 98.5% of the daily customers never return to the store in the future.

    Scenario 2: Store expects 1000 customers and rations stock to serve the needs of the greatest percentage of their daily customers as possible. The great majority of customers are happy and continue to patronize the store in the future.

    Scenario 2 above does not seem so bizarre to me.

    We are talking business here, business that needs to function over time and not just over one day. All I know is there are a lot of people here who are taking great pleasure trashing a store for their own personal reasons. But the store must serve their overall client base as best as possible and sometimes that may mean being unable to satisfy every specific request every day.