Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Due to fats our body weight increases slowly and steadily. Then we need diet program or health program to control or lose our weight. Some of these programs are not good for our health. Because they lose weight for a short period of time. As soon as you will drop it you will gain more weight than before. This type of diet program lessens our muscles and return it back in the form of fats.
How to lose weight:
Avoid use of sweet things. Improve your cooking method. Select those foods which can be baked, boiled or steamed. Use of oil should be decreased. Take exercise regularly. Jogging, swimming, cycling or arobacs should be maintained twice or thrice a week.
Diet program:
Do you eat food regularly or after intervals. The fear that eating might increase your weight forces you to take meal after intervals. Thus you are wasting your health. If you will deprive yourself from a good food, your body will face a lot of problems such as hair falling, dandruff, dry skin, low blood pressure, low sugar level, fits, depression, irregular periods or enamea. You can also face muscular weakness which can cause death if not treated well.
Follow these advices:
Take a balanced diet thrice in a day. To control weight, don’t use drugs which may kill your appetite. Completely avoid use of coffee and nekotein. You cant take exercise without good food. Because after exercise your body requires calories and energy. So take nutritious food. Don’t waste your energy on being physically fit and perfect but concentrate more on developing positive qualities in you. Balanced diet contains important ingredients such as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, water and salts. So first check your weigh. It should be according to your age. Then make a diet chart and follow it daily. Thus you will be able to maintain your weight.