Wednesday, May 11, 2011


In the eye makeup the contact lenses have become a popular fashion because you can change the colour of your eyes by using the contact lenses according to your makeup, dressing and choice. This fashion looks very brilliant and makes you attractive because the eyes are that part of your body which pulls somebody towards you. You should be understood that it is so much easy to use the contact lenses without having the knowledge about their precautions but is more harmful because if you don’t know about the precautions then you can damage your eyes. Some precautions can save you if you act upon the following steps:
Firstly you should consult your doctor for using the contact lenses in your eyes because he will tell you that either you may use the contact lenses or not after complete check up your eyes. In case of any severe condition, act upon his suggestion.
Should be avoid from all types of harmful vapours, fumes and smokes when you use the contact lenses in your eyes because it will save you from any irritation.
Hold your contact lenses with clean and neat hands and before using and after using them wash out them with cold water mixing the solution of contact lenses. Then keep them in a closed pot. It will keep them soft for using next time.
Don’t use the saliva or other viscous lubricant to keep your lenses soft instead of recommended solution.
Don’t apply any lotion or cream of cosmetics on your eyes or the lenses because those products are acidic and are harmful for your eyes.
Remember always that don’t use the contact lenses when you have inserted any eye drops in the eyes or you have an allergic problem because they can fully damage your eyes therefore the contact lenses should be used according to the advice of your doctor. Besides this don’t use the contact lenses for a long time. You should change your contact lenses after every two months.