Wednesday, May 11, 2011

putera william and kate middleton

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  • kingtj
    Sep 19, 02:00 PM
    That statement isn't *quite* true. A lot of people bought the DLO Home Docks (sold at Best Buy and other retail outlets) largely because they allow a docked iPod video to send video out to a TV set via s-video or RCA cables, and the user to control it remotely with the dock's included remote.

    This is fairly remarkable, considering that the really only viable place to watch these movies is on an iPod! Yes, you can watch it on your iMac, or on your television hooked to a Mac Mini, but really, the set top box (iTV) can't come soon enough! Furthermore, this is really the kind of content that lends itself to the TV, rather than the iPod (Disney movies that parents put on replay for hours on end.)

    Of course, maybe these stats are dominated by those who wanted to watch Coyote Ugly on the train, on their way to work ;-) .

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  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 18, 12:03 PM
    So the US doesnt even have paid holiday from work?

    Here in the US we've got this thing called At Will Employment, which to my experience allows employers to screw over there employees with all sorts of ridiculous hours and working conditions, as long as it doesn't violate their state's labor laws.

    Those screwed over employees then vent by blaming their problems on unionized workers and civil servants.

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  • braddouglass
    Mar 30, 11:50 AM
    Can't we all just get along haha. Android came out with the "android market". Can't they just come up with their own name and not complain constantly about what their rivals do. Maybe Bill should spend some more money on developing a decent OS in stead of whining about Apple's wording of something.

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  • Reach
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Macbook Pro's and photographers fits perfectly imo, I can't see why some of you think hardware for photographers is unlikely..

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  • felt.
    Apr 4, 11:50 AM
    ****** buzz.

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  • noservice2001
    Sep 4, 07:34 PM
    go apple!

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  • linux2mac
    May 3, 11:04 AM
    I want dual out screen on the MBP =(:(

    Would be great to have dual out on 11" MBA too. This way I could have dual displays at my remote office.

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  • SeaFox
    Sep 26, 03:56 PM
    Darn, was really hoping for T Mobile compatibility. Oh well, guess this was pretty expected. What about all the CDMA customers? After 6 months? Never? :confused:

    Well, generally all GSM phones support the 1900mhz band, there is just the catch where European models support 900mhz, while US bound one support 850mhz (Cingular). So it's very likely the iPhone will be usuable on T-Mobile's network if unlocked. The catch is you'll have to buy it at retail price from a Cingular dealer, and get it unlocked (which Cingular might not be willing to do).

    As long as the interface is not Cingular branded (like the CIngular Nokia 6030 I use on T-Mobile's network right now), and there's no branding on the phone itself, I might be willing to do that.

    YES! Finally, I reap benefits from being with Cingular!!!! :D

    What do you mean "finally"? Being the largest U.S. provider means you have always reaped the benefits. I cannot count the number of times I've been eagerly awaiting a certain model phone to come out and when it come here, it's always on Cingular and nobody else.

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  • 28monkeys
    Apr 28, 07:17 PM
    Eat that micry

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  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 14, 01:21 AM
    I like the 8801, but I definitely think it's overpriced at $399. You could get a Sidekick 3 prepaid for that price.
    Sure is overpriced! Over in Australia it's around $1200. The one good thing I liked was the diamond coated dsiplay. It was scratch proof. Maybe apple should diamond coat their iphone! :p

    EDIT: Actually I just did a bit of research. I think my claim that they diamond coated their displays is false. No one take my word on it.

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  • poppe
    Aug 28, 11:11 PM
    Don't get me wrong, I would welcome a new enclosure but I think that allowing the prospect of one to be the determining factor in the purchase of a machine is ridiculous. As much as I would LOVE to have a gunmetal colored mbp, if it came out tomorrow I wouldn't be upset that I have a silver one because I truly do love my machine. Apple will always continue to innovate and release new products, and IMO now that they're using intel chips the rate of obsolescence will increase (in terms of harware and performance more than appearance).

    Oh yes that makes sense.

    I truly and honestly think the only reason I dont praise the Powerbook look is because now look how many computers are getting that aluminum finish and trying to look like Apple... Though they fail, it doesn't mean it still makes me want a change (if that makes sense?).

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    Not what i was looking for
    I wanted a smart phone wheres the keyboard ?
    i can buy an itunes phone right now from cingular but i dont want one
    what makes them think i will buy one now because its from apple and not motorola

    I think one of the main tenets to apple's philosophy is simplicity, from their iPods to their computer systems to their OS. I just could not see apple releasing something to a consumer market that would place it over the heads of everyday, casual users, which is who apple traditionally aims for. A smart iPhone would add way too much complexity for that basic demographic.

    If this is truly what to expect when the phone comes out, then it's obviously not for you. While I too would like to see something as you described, I also find the simplicity of apple products alluring. I'd be very interested in this product.

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  • FatDaddy 64.5
    Sep 15, 06:14 PM
    Wow. I just ordered my MBP on Wen. Looks like I'll be sending that back for the upgrade.

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  • cozmot
    Mar 18, 12:00 AM
    The Safari exploit launched a Mac OSX program. How is that NOT an "OS" issue? The exploit could have just as easily told the Mac to delete a directory on the hard drive, for instance. So it's not just Safari that's an issue but the fact that OSX would let Safari execute a program outside the browser.

    I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.

    And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.

    Before I could even get to this, cwt1nospam and GGJstudios jumped on it. I'll add that a Safari exploit just can't take over an OS X system. It can do some minor things, but doesn't give admin or root access to the OS.

    You nervous Windows users -- and you have every right to be -- are used to exploits commandeering your computers. It's your every day reality. For Mac users, it doesn't happen. Never has. But to characterize us as engaging in "foolish belief" that we're not in danger out there is a false argument.

    Rather than go through the laborious repeat of my earlier post to you, please re-read it. Mac users don't deny the dangers. Unlike Windows users we're just not lulled into installing expensive, beastly software that drags our systems down that gives us a false sense of security that we're safe and protected. Most exploits come from unsafe computing, including the incomplete list I assembled above. Mac users don't take this dope, and have clearer minds about the proper steps to protect their systems.

    I have multiple lines of defense built up against attackers using malware, viruses, worms, Trojan Horses and the like. It starts with the firewall in my wireless router, OpenDNS, safe practices and other methods I've learned from Mac and other forums.

    I have never experienced a hack, a virus, a worm, a Trojan Horse or any other exploit in over 20 years because of this. And in the next 20 I will not either, because I'll keep learning and building up my defenses, without wasting a dollar on beastly software that gives me a false sense of security and relieves me of my responsibility for safe computing.

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  • Zeiss
    Mar 23, 06:14 PM
    Ahh... America, the land of the free.... all rights and no responsibility. Its an insult to the concept of safe and responsible actions to think that an app that alerts you to a DUI checkpoint is OK. Speeding and red light is different, cause that STOPS people speeding and running red lights, but getting drunk (even moderately - you can still read an app and press a button on your phone) then knowing how to avoid the repercussions aint cool. And hey - try living in Australia - Random Breath tests and drug testing, but then the road toll here has significantly been reduced over the last decade - we have that wonderful campaign - 'If you drink, then drive - your a bloody idiot'!!

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  • luminosity
    Sep 19, 02:18 PM
    it's not just new tv downloads, but also old tv show downloads that were bumped up.

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  • rtdunham
    Oct 27, 11:16 AM
    For all of Steve Jobs' zen-attitude, vegetarianism, often-proclaimed "do the right thing" stance, and Apple's financial liquidity, there's no reason why other manufacturers can make the change and Apple isn't willing to move in the right direction with their products.

    can anyone--maybe you, true777, since i assume you're making the statement above based on personal knowledge--post pics showing the packaging for a Dell or Gateway or HP notebook computer vs apple's packaging for a comparable product? What about iPod packaging vs that for other MP3 players?

    until we know the differences, it's hard to know where to stand on this issue, and impossible to conclude "there's no reason why other manufacturers can make the hange and apple isn't willing..."

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  • dsnort
    Aug 31, 08:23 PM
    Now, I may be wrong, but if they roll out iTunes movies in Paris or London, won't they be introducing the product in a locale where it won't be available?

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 1, 11:35 AM (

    Reports that Apple will be hosting a special media event on September 12th began emerging yesterday ( According to multiple reports, Apple will be hosting the event in San Francisco which will be also streamed live to London.

    MacOSXRumors now claims ( that Apple will be revamping the iMac line with the new Core 2 Duo (Merom) processor at this event, with the additional introduction of a 23" iMac.

    Larger iMac form-factor rumors were amongst the reject rumors ( for pre-WWDC rumors. MacOSXRumors, however, cites "reliable sources" for this report and did have some accurate predictions ( for Leopard (virtual desktops, tabbed iChat).

    Sep 12, 03:14 PM
    my thoughts exactly... there aren't that much of a difference, right??

    anyway, hey, are the search functions gonna be attainable for the last 5gen ipod as well ? with the software update??? i wish that's the case......please

    i've been desperately looking for the reasons as to stick to the old 5gen which i bought just yesterday

    There are no major differences but if i were you i'd go back and trade for the new one or just return the iPod and order a new one. Your window is soo close not to upgrade.

    It doesnt look like the new software features will be added to current 5G iPods. My iPod software just updated and only game functions were added.

    Mar 23, 06:04 PM
    I am for this app and I used to assist Local Law Enforcement at these types of events as a Vol. Emergency Management officer.

    The fact of the matter is that while they remove some drunks off the road the Vast majority of tickets are for seatbelt, insurance, registration, and other minor factors. My Wife was ticketed 1 mile from our house ( at a "drunkcheck" ) for not having her license on her. The Round Lake Park, Illinois cop was to lazy and wanted his quota so he didn't run her in LEADS (Database) or call it in.

    I saw the light. One thing to check for drunk drivers. Another completely to work for the budget.

    Yes I wasn't a cop. But I stood next to them the whole time, an oh what I saw and Heard. ( I really should write a book )

    Please Apple Keep this App. Like someone who is drunk will remember to check this app while driving or update it for the rest of us.

    Michael Kulis

    Sep 10, 08:31 PM
    I wondering how many people are now going to put off buying a Mac Pro and wait for a faster Kentsfield :confused:

    The Mac Pros a fast as it is now, Kentsfield would smash the previous benchmarks but a fair margin.

    Sep 12, 05:44 PM
    Apple is in a slow fall...
    I love Mac's, and will always own one. However, the Intel Mac's are buggy as hell. (Still Not Compareable to Windows) The iPod's are not as good as the PSP, except for the large hard drive (and the ease of iTunes).

    PSP better than iPod??in what sense??:confused:

    Sep 15, 05:54 PM
    as a proud owner of a SLVR L7, which i love to DEATH (greatest phone ever), i probably won't be buying one in 2007. maybe 2008? depends on what service it's on. if it's on cingular like the L7, then i'll get one without thinking twice.