Wednesday, May 11, 2011


SUMMER SHOES FASHION : Shoes are very important part of our get-up. They exhibit our personality, bent of mind and aesthetic sense. There are many types of shoes which are available in market in large variety. But usually ladies wear shoes without thinking too much about their suitability, according to place, occasion, weather and season. In winter ladies wear boots, high heel cod shoes or canvas shoes to cover their feet from the harshness of weather. Otherwise feet will become rough, dry and cracks on heels. But in summer, women like to wear open shoes with flat sole to relax their feet. Sandals are also liked by young girls but working women avoid to wear them as they become hurdle during the tough job routine. In summer mostly women face the problem of sweat on feet. They cant wear trendy shoes at all. So they prefer to choose light weight flat shoes which are available in different colors and designs. High heel shoes no doubt increase the grace of personality but are neither comfortable nor easy to walk. As mostly women face the pain in backbone. Even the research has proved that fact too that high heel shoes create problems of back. So they must be avoided or to be worn on special occasions. Shoes are the thing which are to be used throughout the whole life because without them our personality gives the image of uncivilized, uneducated and rough person.