Saturday, May 7, 2011

wallpaper freedom

wallpaper freedom. Freedom wallpaper
  • Freedom wallpaper

  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 01:59 PM
    Apple is partnering with an air-time provider so they will not get to keep much of the per-month fee, they will have to make money up front with hardware sales unless they can offer some non airtime monthly service like .mac

    No. I don't see apple "partnering" with anyone. This will be an Apple phone... the carriers will line up to sell the next hot thing. If Apple "partners" with Cingular.. the phone loses part of its apple identity... I don't see it happening. Plus it invites someone else to the table.. I don't understand why Apple would do this.

    Ah gotcha, with the max/min talk. NM.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom#39;s Watch Desktop Background
  • Freedom#39;s Watch Desktop Background

  • RebeccaL
    Apr 5, 06:56 PM
    Leave the jailbreak community alone Apple!! What is your ****ing problem??? Can't we just coexist???:mad:

    The problem is jailbreking violates the iOS end user license agreement. Apple is just defending themselves. Just as if any person violates an agreement.

    wallpaper freedom. Next wallpaper: Freedom
  • Next wallpaper: Freedom

  • tstreete
    Nov 14, 11:57 AM
    What type of clips are those? And where did u get them?

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom Writers Wallpaper
  • Freedom Writers Wallpaper

  • Xtoo
    Nov 5, 11:33 AM
    Has anyone tested the unit with Navigon? That would be the only reason I would buy it.
    Also, with Google coming up with a free turn-by-turn navigation app... what will happen with the ones we have to pay for?

    wallpaper freedom. America: Freedom to Fascism
  • America: Freedom to Fascism

  • xbuddycorex
    May 3, 03:03 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Working in medicine in the US, this us the bane of my existence.

    wallpaper freedom. This image called freedom-isnt
  • This image called freedom-isnt

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 11:21 AM

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom unite psp wallpaper,
  • Freedom unite psp wallpaper,

  • lkrupp
    Apr 7, 10:24 AM
    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point... 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock'.

    And just how could Apple be found to be absuing its position by buying what it needs to supply its customers whith product? Maybe if the iPad wasn't selling all that well but Apple can't keep up with demand as it is. Arguments like yours don't even make sense and I'll bet you some serious money that no one can produce a single instance of a company "found to be abusing its position" by buying what its needs to produce and sell its products. It would appear people like you are just angry that Apple is successful and want to take it down somehow. Stupid, just stupid.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom, photos wallpapers
  • Freedom, photos wallpapers

  • ug.mac
    Jul 29, 10:40 PM
    This is bad, I mean BAD if it's ture:mad:
    I just finished with Fido and got a Razr V3c from Telus, I'm happy with it so far but if Apple really get into cell phone business I may let my GF get one of that if they won't make CDMA version and available to Canda.:p :p

    wallpaper freedom. freedom wallpaper by
  • freedom wallpaper by

  • daneoni
    Aug 11, 09:29 AM
    If they do a revision, then its safe to say we won't see another update till santa rosa chipsets ship next spring alongside leopard. Which means "next month" is a good time to buy a MBP at least for a while.

    This also suggest new ipods this fall (for christmas), conroe iMacs at the paris expo, iPhone as well as iLife/iWork updates and maybe Leopard shipping at MWSF....we all know steve likes beating deadlines meaning Leopard would definately ship before spring, unless he really wants vista out first before showing his cards to avoid photocopying.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom Wallpaper
  • Freedom Wallpaper

  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 09:01 PM
    macpro.pdf is the service manual for those who have GSX and Service Source access (eg. AASP's do). Can't find public info on how to add/remove user installable part yets.

    wallpaper freedom. Abstract Freedom Wallpaper by
  • Abstract Freedom Wallpaper by

  • justflie
    May 7, 10:36 AM
    Yes please. The move makes sense given the Windows Live stuff MS is doing.

    wallpaper freedom. Create Postcard From Freedom
  • Create Postcard From Freedom

  • BMcCoy
    Mar 27, 01:00 PM
    iPad 2 HD

    coming september 2011

    $999 / �799

    same specs and design as 64GB iPad 2, but with 2048x1536 screen, at 264ppi.

    wallpaper freedom. Download this wallpaper and
  • Download this wallpaper and

  • brendu
    Apr 26, 02:12 PM
    One interesting thing to note. Apple held 25% of recent acquirers with 2 phone models. The iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. They are also on only 2 carriers, and have only been with Verizon for part of the time leading up to the march survey. Android however is on dozens of handsets and all four US carriers. I would say apple is doing amazingly well when you consider those specifics.

    I am not worried about iOS not having a larger chunk of the market, I am blown away that it has 25%.

    wallpaper freedom. Linux Means Freedom Wallpaper
  • Linux Means Freedom Wallpaper

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 02:04 PM
    106fps in Doom 3 at high quality with the X1900 XT :eek: :eek:

    What a machine! I'll have 3 to go please.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom of a candy
  • Freedom of a candy

  • Liam8
    May 9, 12:30 PM
    That would be great! Think of how useful it is! :rolleyes:

    wallpaper freedom. freedom Wallpaper,
  • freedom Wallpaper,

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    It's the usual geek misconception of what a device needs. They are all about checklist items. And thus they are missing the fact that a major paradigm shift is occurring in this world where the far larger non-tech audience is now buying tech toys. This audience does not know much about specs, and cares even less. All they care about is cost (Apple is right there in phones), how their apps work (just great on the iPhone), choice of apps (no one has more choice than Apple), and what they have read or heard about (Apple is the advertising leader).

    So geeks will continue to stamp their feet and pout about checklists that Apple is "failing" at. The rest of the world will keep happily using their amazing iPhones.

    And you're missing the fact that it's the Geeks who write the apps that work on the iPhone.

    If the geeks decide the larger customer base elsewhere is more enticing, then you'll start hemorraging developers. Same if the geeks decide that their new project is going to be aimed at more robust hardware.

    In the end, it's all tied together. The specs are an important part of the device, even if the person buying it has no clue what they mean. Developers are Apple's main focus (or should be) as far as iOS goes, and some of the lay people here chanting on and on about paradigms seem to be ignoring it.

    So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.

    I was talking about Developers, not users. While you may not care your iPhone has a single core SoC, ChAir software might for their next game and decide to simply forgo releasing it on iOS. Again, we're at a tipping point right now, Android has gained fast and offers devices right now that outperform the iOS devices, which might put Apple on the back burner.

    Especially considering that their user base, while not on a single handset, is right now bigger or close to being than iOS's.

    From a developer's perspective, Android is looking good right now. If these trends continue, iOS won't be looking as good as it used to.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom Wallpaper
  • Freedom Wallpaper

  • Watabou
    Apr 9, 08:13 PM
    Following PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction):

    But you have to also follow it from left to right.

    Suppose subtraction precedes addition, like this: 4-5+6, then the answer would be 5 not -7.

    Similarly, in this case, division is first so you have to divide first.

    This is how I would solve the equation:


    = 48/2*12
    = 24 * 12
    = 288.


    wallpaper freedom. -freedom-wallpaper.jpg
  • -freedom-wallpaper.jpg

  • davegoody
    Dec 31, 02:20 PM
    I decided to give it a try and all it ever finds are little things that only can affect Windows :rolleyes:

    Would you be happier if Sophos or any other OSX AV solution found lots of Viruses on your system ? - It is not about clearing your system of OSX malware, at the time of writing this there is little to zero by way of Viruses etc out there for OSX. - As the platform gains more and more market share, this is likely to change. Better to be as prepared as possible. After all you don't go out on a Saturday night, meet a girl, take her home, put on a condom to stop you getting a Virus you already have, it is there as a prophylactic, to PREVENT you getting a Virus or other nasty ailment.

    As for the "Only" little things that it finds being Windows based Malware, if you use a machine on a professional basis, with both Windows and OSX machines, it makes sense to use AV to stop you inadvertently passing on nasty things to your Windows based Colleagues, where you don't even know you are doing it.

    wallpaper freedom. Freedom Wide Mint Wallpaper by
  • Freedom Wide Mint Wallpaper by

  • ucfgrad93
    May 4, 01:49 PM
    I'd think we'd want to explore this room.

    Agreed, lets explore this room.

    Apr 26, 04:17 PM
    iOS needs to evolve. It is old and stale...

    How terrible is the notification system? And it's been around for almost 4 years!

    This is so true. Android might have its faults, but it seems years ahead of the iPhone in many areas. This is coming from an Apple fan, who at first didn't want to be rapped by AT&T's prices and bad service. So I waited 5 years until I tried an Android. I must say, is not perfect (just like the iPhone) but way more advanced. Notification, widgets, GPS, Google integration, wireless sync (to iTunes!!!!), setting profiles apps, numerous keyboards, tons of great web browsers, etc...

    Apple had a great product (still is) but their go to market strategy failed. If they would have gone with 2 providers and then rolled it out to all within 3 yrs, Android would have been history.

    Aug 2, 02:14 PM
    macbook pro? imac core duo? intel mini? macbook? :confused:

    mac pro, xserve intel, leopard previews, maybe cinema displays, maybe something like a tablet that we haven't heard about.

    no updates to imacs, macbooks, macbook pros, or minis. Those are minor speed bumps that will be done quietly over the coming weeks and months, not something to trumpet in a keynote.

    But minor speed bumps is all they have to talk about. Some say that going from shipping a 2.16m2.0,1.83 GHz to shipping just a 2.16 & 2.0 GHz models is a speed bump. How can that be a speed bump when the max speed is still 2.16 GHz.

    Other than a OS 10.5 demo I have no expectations for WWDC. I believe that Steve Jobs is too smart to bring out a new Intel PowerMac & have people see if he will promise that they will be up to the 3 GHz speed in a year. Or did he say 2 or 3 years or was that 2 or 3 processor changes before that happens.

    With Photoshop, Quark, MS Office & other Mac productive software not yet able to run natively on an Intel Mac much of the excitement for the developer & Pro user is not there.

    Apple has gone too long with waiting a year for updates that anything sooner than hat will take them awhile to do again.

    The only thing I'd like to see is an easy to shange hard drive & optical drive in the Intel MacBook Pro 15" & 17" models. My PowerBook will last a long time, so I can wait. I may have to do all of my operations with an external drive. I always changed my hard drive for a newer drive once or twice a year. Sometimes I just wanted a different set of programs. My 15" TI PowerBook was easy to open & change hard drives. The new Intel MacBook seems to have a good answer for this problem. Let's see if Apple can do this in the Intel MacBook Pro line as well.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 01:56 AM
    just posted about airport extreme base station shipping delayed at apple store 1-3 weeks here maybe something is changing/happening

    Mar 29, 04:48 PM
    A company like Apple could easily, make and assemble products here, the profit margin on an iPhone is around 60%, but if they did that then there profit margin would only be 50%, corporate and political greed.

    Remind me of why a company isn't entitled to make as much money as possible? Apple, along with most any company, could theoretically absorb the increased costs and thus make less money. The question is why would they do that?

    Sep 11, 08:21 AM
    I told Rob about the event yesterday...

    "Great, all we need is another iPod." :rolleyes:

    Sounds like he's giving you the go-ahead. Go on Gary, call his bluff.