Wednesday, May 11, 2011

when is the new sidekick 4g coming out

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  • Silencio
    Oct 12, 01:18 PM
    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    Maybe because all across the globe, women and children are hugely disadvantaged economically and socially in comparison to men? People who need more help should get more help. People who don't need help shouldn't complain about it. As much as I want it to happen, "equality" is never going to happen in this world, at least the way it's currently structured.

    "Empathy" is a four-letter word in America, sadly.

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  • hayesk
    May 3, 07:13 PM
    I think I covered enough :)

    What you've covered is a mishmash of things that Apple did and tried to infer it was because of the iPhone. When in reality, not much except the bringing of some iOS features back into MacOS X (which I agree with even if I won't use them all) has anything to do with the iPhone.

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  • SMacDuff
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    That is exactly what I envision for the next Mac Book Pro. Take a MacBook Air make it just thick enough to handle an additional 2.5" Hard Drive, dedicated graphics, and a high performance processor. Ditch the optical drive, make SSD+HD the standard configuration.


    Please do not make a MBP line with carbon fiber (sooo 2008!). It looked ok then but now I'm just sick of it. I truly believe Apple has other plans for their Liquidmetal purchase, my guess is for future battery tech as described a few months ago. The optical drive is finished. All signs point to Apple getting rid of it and the sooner they do so, the better. The only foreseeable problem with the OP's suggestion is cost. Given the MB Air's price point, what happens to the prices in the MBP line?

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  • Eudall
    Apr 30, 06:05 PM
    that top spec 27" is never going to happen, it will have 4GB RAM and a i5 processor with BTO option of a i7

    Hate to say it but IMHO you are completely wrong there. Look at the refreshed MBP and then read your statement, nearly ALL the current gen MBP have i7 processors.

    Based on this I would guess that ALL iMac models will too, with the exception of the entry me el iMac.

    Personally I am hoping for a decent GPU; although I'm primarily an xbox gamer I do enjoy the odd month of WoW and steam gaming.

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM
    LOL even the clock icon look the same, that's just cheap copying.

    10:10 has been the primary way to show time on a static clock and watches for decades. The 10:10 position of the hands is used to highlight the logo which is usually located below the "12".

    I wonder where Apple got the idea from?

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  • dr Dunkel
    May 4, 01:01 AM
    The amount people who want to use the iMac as a display is a small group?

    We're talking consoles, PCs, Macs, phones, tablets, media players, blue-ray players.

    I think we'd see a large amount of people like this features, plus it would make the iMac a much more attractive purchase, as it would still be a fine display even after the hardware in it is too old. I know it would most likely make me go for the iMac over the Mac mini(although most likely I'm waiting for the mini before any purchases)

    I can't see how those of us wanting to hook things up to our 27" iMac could be a that small group. I'm more inclined to believe this limitation has to do with Apple protectionism. I mean, like I said in a post a few pages up, there are no industry standard input ports (HDMI/DVI...) and the TB port is limited to only a small fraction of a ppm of the input devices on the market.

    Sure hoping for a way to work arond Apple on this one, without going the usual Apple route - with a gazillion adapters.

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  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 12:16 PM
    Is anyone currently using the term Burger Store? Has anyone built a brand using the term Burger Store? Does the general public think of a particular store when someone says Burger Store? I'm pretty sure people do not say "hey lets go to the Burger Store." The term Burger Store has no mindshare from what I know with the general public. No one uses it as a brand name.

    Try "Burger Place" or "Burger Restaurant".

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  • milo
    Sep 5, 05:58 PM
    Yes I have..The only difference is I'm including the recording part.

    The recording can be done by the computer. What reason is there to have it done where the TV is located?

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  • peharri
    Sep 5, 03:09 PM
    OH PLEEASE let it be the phone...i need a new one now!!!

    God I hope not. If Apple announces a phone, and I have shares, I'll sell them. Apple Phone = Apple Irrelevance.

    Anyway, I think too much of the focus is on the technical details of this mysterious Airport Express box. I'm wondering if Apple's "Big New Thing" isn't so much the gadgets, but the notion of entertainment moving from being something you have shovelled to you from your cable/satellite guy, to a true a la carte system, delivered via the Internet.

    What's interesting about the rumours are that they point at products and services that build an infrastructure for something, not products that are particularly interesting by themselves. I can stream media to TVs already (albeit with cables.) I can buy movies, hell, the pr0n industry has pretty much pioneered in this realm and made the concept provable. Less controvertially, there have been attempts to sell movies online serveral times over the last few years. These are all products that already exist.

    Apple's products may well actually turn this into a general collection of concepts into a major new drive, in much the same way as DVDs have changed the way we watch TV, and DVRs, and, indeed, twenty-thirty years ago, cable and satellite did.

    It'll be interesting to see if they succeed. Don't be surprised if most of the coverage after the event is negative. The real test will be in the coming years.

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  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    I didn't want to buy it because i had a feeling 2012 will be new design but i had to buy it because i needed a mac and couldn't wait another year!

    and its not like the 2011 MBP's are the same old thing just with thunderbolt! It had a faster processer (with **** GPU in the 13" lol)

    Umm, you do realize the processor can be 10000000x faster, the system is still completely hammed by the 5600rpm hard drive they put in there. Most tasks are faster on an Air then a 17" Pro. And if you're doing heavy lifting get a Mac Pro. People who bought the new processors don't enjoy the benefits 90% of the time.

    You must be a spec sheet reader, not someone who intelligently analyzes what they buy.

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  • bearcatrp
    Apr 20, 01:02 PM
    Section 4b of the software license agreement explains it all:

    Interesting read. Except it only mentions the iPhone. Doesn't say anything about the iPad.
    Apple isn't the only one doing this though. If you have a cell phone, your tracked. But everyone should know this anyway. I peaked at some of the data on my backup (listed earlier). According to the agreement about, states as long as your device is not identifiably, they can do this. Am pretty sure somewhere in all that data your device is identified. Example: plug your iPhone, iPod or iPad in another Mac, you get the warning your device IS synced with another computer.
    Will be interesting how this plays out.

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  • JGowan
    Sep 19, 08:20 PM
    this moel apple is using is fine, but 2 things need to happen, 1, much teh same as netflix, they should send you a blank dvd with case for each order, and secondly, like the music, all cover art should be given as well. it should be burnable, I would pay 9.99 for movie with the convinience of download, for this proce, even with the less quality if I could burn my own dvd, put it in any dvd player and watch it. but I want all teh artwork as well, so i can FEEL my dvd library growing,
    andreasIt's a simple equation, really,...

    Netflix account + $5.99 Used DVDs = comes with Plastic Box, Free Shipping and Original Artwork!

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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 01:54 PM
    Does a 1333MHz bus matter? (

    Not only is the Anandtech Article one of the better ones, they simulated a 1333 bus speed with the X6800-EE processer, and came up with an overall inprovement of 2.4%, with DivX 6.1 providing a 7.5% boost!

    Also, to quote the article:

    "If Apple does indeed use a 1333MHz Woodcrest for its new line of Intel based Macs, running Windows it may be the first time that an Apple system will be faster out of the box than an equivalently configured, non-overclocked PC. There's an interesting marketing angle."


    I like Anandtech, they are very fair to all sides and give the facts.

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 9, 11:41 AM
    Sounds like a set of chips to me ;)


    By "chipset" people usually refer to the southbridge/northbridge-combo. In this case that is the Intel Express 945.

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  • Skika
    Apr 20, 11:30 AM
    Not big deal. But, im not a fearfull worried paranoid person, which many are.

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  • Superdrive
    Sep 26, 12:13 PM
    After the ROKR and SLVR, is anyone really surprised that Cingular will help launch this phone?

    I'm still waiting for this to hit the market. My SLVR is great, and as long as Apple does NOT make a slider, I will buy an iPhone right away.

    2007 is going to be spendy. I'll have to buy "iTV", Leopard, "iPhone", and a new portable. AHHH :eek:

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  • ValSalva
    Apr 30, 01:47 PM
    So previous iMac design lasted 4's been 3.

    Isn't this iMac design from fall of 2009? That's less than two years.

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  • room237
    Mar 30, 12:49 PM
    It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.

    If "is" means is and never has been, that is not--- that is one thing.
    If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement.

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  • hvfsl
    Aug 23, 05:58 PM
    dought that very much there are better sound cards on the market

    Not if you want to play games.

    Apr 22, 08:28 AM

    --Dependence on an internet connection. Deal breaker right there. Subways? Forget it.
    --Buffer times
    --Connection instability/loss
    --Already way overstrained data networks contributing to the above
    --Battery life will suffer if it's wifi
    --And if it's 3G, well there's another bill in the mail every month. A recurring bill in the form of data charges to listen to my music I already paid for? No thank you. No, no, no thank you.

    Since when did every device in the house need a monthly bill to go with it? AT&T provides a pretty crappy service as it is to begin with, why shuffle any more money right into their pockets?

    Dependence on an internet connection and a bill in the mail are enormous deal breakers.

    To the people saying "Oh, well Apple isn't taking your hard drive away", no, they aren't, but this is the first step. In 20 years hard drives will be obsolete, as everything will be cloud based, and you'll be forced into the cloud whether you want to be or not.

    This service is a completely stupid idea for anyone who has an iPod with a big enough hard drive to store their stuff. I can see the appeal for those with more than 160 GB of music, but other than those people, I see literally zero benefits to be had by this, and a slew of problems/frustrations to be gained.

    Nov 13, 01:42 PM
    the tide is turning against Apple here, they need to clean up their act and get this whole thing working better.

    i understand the walled-garden approach and respect that, but they also need to get the store cleaned up/organized and they need to work better with developers - which might just mean hiring more people to work with them on a daily basis.

    Not to be an I TOLD YOU SO type of guy BUT.... :D

    I've been trying to get people to understand that the Apple's doctoral grasp has over the App store was something that NEEDED to be addressed and people kept drinking the koolaid saying... It's ONLY one or two Apps.... we don't need to worry... then it was HEY its ONLY google and Apple has every right to axe their Apps cause they are getting too BIG...

    Well now other developers are starting to pull back.. Developers who people FINALLY seem to care about... Well all I have to say is welcome to the party nice to see you're finally seeing the light. :confused:

    Nov 9, 02:37 PM
    Some time back there was a post of someone swapping out a cpu in an Imac. Does anyone know if someone has managed to swap out the core 2 duo cpu yet? I assume they still arent soldered?

    Apr 19, 11:33 PM
    John Pilgers? Does he reside in the US? Does he have a website?

    He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.

    Sep 17, 08:29 PM
    And there are several ways to dial abroad using a US carrier.

    Cingular (GSM) is $1.29/min in Europe. (About .68 pounds in the UK)
    Verizon (CDMA) has dual CDMA/GSM phones that are $1.49 in Europe. (about .79 pounds.)
    Sprint (CDMA) also has some dual CDMA/GSM phones that are also $1.49 a minut in Europe.

    Although the best deal is with T-Mobile (GSM)> $.99 in Europe. (Or .52 pounds)

    So we, too, have international choices.