Star cast: Presenting Sukhwinder Singh as Rishi with Vikrum Kumar, Rufy Khan, Shriya, Khuahhish, Mustaque Khan, Surendra Pal, Mukesh Tiwari, Dipak Shirke and others.
Story, Screenplay & Dialogues: Salim Bijnori
Music Director: Onkar
Produced & directed by : Jagbir Dahiya
Kuchh Kariye is the story of Rishi (Sukhwinder Singh), a simple and honest musician in love with Alpna (Shriya), who is forced by the people of his city to leave his home town and move to Mumbai.
Here he meets two other boys Javed Khan (Vikrum Kumar) and Shani (Rufy Khan) who have also come to Mumbai in search of their destiny and fortune.
Together, they realise, that all of them share same passion for films. They are also an idealistic lot and want to bring a change in the society.
They believe that a positive thought can change the course of life. If one is able to rise above the personal selfish needs, one can bring a change is what they believe in. With stroke of luck, they do begin their film.
They meet Roza (Khuahhish) and Pappu Halva (Mustaque Khan) and with her support their plans start falling in place. However, destiny has planned something else. There is terror and loss. Rishi is overcome with grief and disillusion. Will he choose the right path?
Kuchh Kariye deals with the current socio political scenario. It's a social film dealing with certain contemporary and relevant issues. It's journey of a man meeting his destiny and coming to terms with his own self.
Will Rishi and his friends manage to achieve their goal? Will Rishi be able to change the thinking of law and outlaws? Does disillusion wait for Rishi at the end of the journey?