Monday, February 14, 2011

Highly Recommended post about Blogging

The MadPriest wrote a very interesting post about the insecurity of blogging as a Christian, because it is a pioneering place:
Christians who blog (or who are active on the social network sites), especially those who are part of an online community of one sort or another, are pioneers. We are the first. But, if we are in it for God and not just ourselves, it is not our job to decide how to do Christianity on the Internet. It is our job to try and work out how the Holy Spirit want's the Internet to be utilised by Christians in order to help bring in the Kingdom of God. This means that what we do is experimental. We should not pre-judge the outcome of our experiments and we should be prepared to expect the unexpected, even a negative result. 
Because we are the first explorers of this virtual continent we are in a unique, but also frightening position. I have not yet come across a single Christian blogger who is 100% convinced that they are doing the right thing and, if it is an experiment, the chances are none of us are doing the right thing all of the while. 
For me, this means there is a constant conversation (at times a battle) going on within myself. One moment I am full of enthusiasm for online ministry and community and the next I just want to go back to how I experienced church before I became a blogger. Because, as pioneers, we are explorers and experimenters, we don't have any tradition to cling hold to and to automatically validate our online ways of being Christian. 

To read more click HERE