Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update on Dad

You lot have been so incredibly kind to me, keeping me in your thoughts or prayers (depending on theology!). Dad had another fall last night. He is back in hospital again, having only been home less than a week. This is his third stay in hospital in a month. This time he has pneumonia as well. I feel terribly emotional about it, as I think I conveyed in my previous post. In reality, his level of health hasn't changed much, but I think my perception is that it is the beginning of the end.. rightly or wrongly. I am feeling a bit drama queenish though!

My poor mum is 85 and has been very stressed indeed, and witnessed all these falls. She got the ambulance to come last night and they said dad was okay, but realistically he wasn't and mum needed to to get more help today. I'm going to go and visit on Friday, and my boyfriend is coming with me, which is really nice for me. I'm looking forwards to seeing mum and dad again then