Monday, March 21, 2011

Social Media - helping each other in the maze

I watched this video a few days ago, having found it via this article. It has stayed with me and the part that is intriguing me is the aspect of finding the product (or blog post) that you want in the maze of possibilities. It says that the way we can do this is by helping each other in the following ways:
Add a tag
Rate this
Post a comment
I guess we can also Retweet posts - those of us who are on Twitter, or put blogs on our Blog Roll, and I suppose clicking 'like' in Facebook' and 'YouTube' is a sort of rating.

I have been really lucky - when I became part of the No Anglican Covenant Coalition I found some excellent blogs, and when I posted on Top UK Female Bloggers I was suggested a whole host more. I feel like it has opened up my world and I regularly recommend some of these blogs on my Wednesday Round-Up.

However, I am rubbish at adding tags, or rating things, fairly rubbish at adding comments and rarely retweet. If we all did more of this, would it be easier to find what we are looking for? Genuine question.

I've spent ages trying to get little share buttons and 'rate this' things on the bottom of my posts... Blogger does do it automatically for you if you have a very standard template. But it didn't work for me so I had to get stuck into the HTML. I sort of thought that if I was going to post this I should enable these tools here.... not convinced anyone uses them though!

I would be interested in your thoughts.