Monday, May 16, 2011

Apple’s #iPad #App Treasure Chest Their Most Valuable Commodity For Tablets – Tablets Planet « Punch Comunicação's Blog

Looking for reasons why people buy this a certain product over dozens of other options will forever be on the minds of analysts (market watchers). Trying to figure out why millions of people are buying the Apple iPad is just the latest question. Some say people are buying iPad's over other tablets because it is a status symbol and others believe people buy them because they work best for them.

I say it's a bit of both of those reasons, but right now for Apple the biggest reason someone should get an iPad over competing devices has to be applications (apps). There are literally multiple thousands of apps available just for the iPad.

Apple iPad application countI think that Apple feels the same way to an extent, on the iPad's product page on Apple has made a page that showcases the apps for iPad. Trumpeted in big bold letters at the start of that specific page is the announcement of the amount of apps available, 'Over 65,000 apps for iPad'.

From their old Mac vs. Windows days Apple seems to have learned the massive value behind having lost of device specific software ready and waiting for consumers. Honesty if Apple had the same if not more Mac applications available the battle of Mac vs. Windows could have ended a lot differently.

Other things like having a smooth and easy to use operating system don't hurt the iPad. Also the high build quality and great battery life don't make the iPad a poor buy. But the amount of applications the things buyers will be using most is still of greater importance all of those other features.

During the early inception of the Apple iPad in 2010, the count of iPad apps was jumping exponentially every month. Apple didn't create all of the apps themselves either they had to work very closely with developers who had been working with them on apps for the other iOS devices out their iPhone and iPod Touch. If you followed the headlines concerning the iPad from 2010 you would have seen the headlines 'Apple iPad now had more than 2,000 apps' followed weeks later by 'Apple iPad now has more than 3,000 apps'.