Monday, May 16, 2011

BREAKING…NCGOP Congratulates Governor Perdue on Latest Job Creation Announce!!~ « Randy’s Right

Randy's Right with Chairman Hayes

RALEIGH, NC Today, North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Robin Hayes made the following statement regarding Governor Perdue s recent hire of Stephen Neuman. According to the News and Observer, Mr. Neuman is a major Obama campaign figure and will serve as her $120,000-per year senior advisor.

We congratulate Governor Perdue on creating another government job hiring an out of state political operative for $120,000 per year to help her get re-elected in 2012. Rather than working with Republicans in the General Assembly to balance the budget without raising taxes and creating a business climate where the private sector can grow and create jobs, Governor Perdue again proves she is only concerned with one job, her own.

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