Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FO: Hexagon Tote « Stitch, Brinn, Stitch!

So I finished a thing for OWS. I actually finished several things but like a dummy forgot to take pictures and this one I haven't sent off yet (so if you're Quaggy on Craftster, you should probably not look).

Anyway, I made a totebag, based off of this one on her wists. I tried to copy it at least in spirit, though I'm pretty pleased with what I came up with:


Pattern: I made it up as I went. Might put together a pattern. Might not. It's pretty simple. Make hexagons. Sew them together. Make handle.
Yarn: Acrylic from an estate sale (which I suspect to be Red Heart Super Saver). The purple multi is Jo Ann Sensations Rainbow Boucle, which I actually bought at Jo Ann's a few years ago. Cause I'm classy.
Hook: (yep, this is crochet! Gasp!) I/9 5.5 mm. I crochet kind of loosely though.


So I'm pretty pleased with what I've got going on here. It was pretty quick to make (I made up a couple of hexagons per day in between other things and crocheted them together as I went). I haven't made any large-scale crochet projects in a while (and I don't usually, as I prefer knitting). It was nice to use different hand muscles, though I must admit I overdid it on a couple of days and make my hand sore. : /

I lightly steamed the body of the bag to make it less stiff, but the gauge is tight enough that I don't think it needs a lining. I didn't steam the handle because I wanted it to be stiffer/more sturdy, and I think I accomplished that.

I also finished another thing, knitted this time. I made a shorter version of my Leah vest to work out the shaping (and also cause I wanted it). I still have to take proper pictures of it, so I'll leave that for another post. In the mean time, I've cast on for a hat with a nice big brim for shading my face from the sun.

Also, there's that graduation thing happening on Saturday. You know, no big. : )

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