Monday, May 16, 2011


Captured by his beauty or his to die for physique one can only wonder who is “Kevin D.” Whether it’s gracing the covers of magazines, hosting events or just inspiring others to love themselves he is the epitome of ‘Country Swagg” He is a father, a businessman and also a model who takes a lot of pride in all three.  Although he has yet to have his own ad campaign his commercial success has established him as one of the top male models to look out for!

Kevin! I am glad to have a chance to do an official feature on you, as you know I have posted your pics here before and you were really nice and said thank you for doing so! I didn't even know you knew about it! Thank you for being so nice and receptive homie, I would like to use this oppurtunity to let my readers know more about you! So Kevin D, I have come right out and ask you, do you consider yourself sexy? or a step further a sex symbol?   

Of course I don't see myself the way everyone else may see me, but yeah I have a lil' something going on  
lol. sex symbol? well I would hope so! Someone needs to tell me to put back on my clothes! lol!

 Naw,  I say take more off! lol, but speaking of that would you ever do nude photos? are you opposed to them?

I'm not opposed to doing nude, but to me nudity is not sexy, I try to keep it as sexy as possible.

A lot of male models, aspiring and or established have many male admirers, quite often its more men than women, some can handle it others completely abhor it. How do you feel about male attention, admiration? 

I don't have a problem with it! at all! its actually a little flattering.

So I from what i understand your a father! what is the best part of being a father? what is your hope for your child?

Being able to love someone more than life itself, my hopes for my son are to be happy and love whatever GOD has in store for him in life.

I am looking at your skin, its beautiful, and of course your body is very sexy! what is your skin and work out routine? how do you keep your self so beautiful?

Beautiful.... who me? Well I work out probably 6 times a week. Its stress reliever and also time for me to just get my thoughts together. Skin is really just natural and a blessing to have thankfully. I gets lots and lots of sleep i really think that keeps me looking the way I do.

Mr Rose. what are your stats?

I'm 5'9 165, Brown eyes, black hair


I am really loving your tatts, do any have significant meaning?

I get asked this all the time. All my tatts mean something to me, I use my body as a canvas  and each tatt is strategically placed on my body as a work of art, my tatts set me apart from other guys with nice bodies, I like to say they make me who I am, Kevin D.

Setting yourself apart can be hard in this industry, but I don't think you'll have an issue, tell me what is your best attribute?

My personality :)

What is your favorite thing to wear?

I am a shoe fanatic, I have to keep a fresh pair of kicks!

Oh cool, what kind are you loving now?

Right now my favorites would have to be the Supras.

Kevin its great having a convo with you homie, I gotta know, are you ...single?

Single? Yes i am

Touch: (cheesing like it matters lol) Well last question, what do yo hope to achieve in your career? 

Well I hope to walk into someones department store and see my face on the wall and also be featured in a music video, just for starters!

Honestly, I don't think that will be a problem for you! Looks and a great attitude, fantastic combo to have!

After my convo with Kevin, I was really shocked at how nice he is, very appreciative, very humble. Its really rare to find that in some models! Kevin will ALWAYS have a platform  for his talent on 
The masculine perspective. Will always have my support. A real class act!  Hey my loyal readers, I urge you to support Kevin! He is available for event bookings and press, get at my homie!

Contact info 
Booking /press
Twitter: @officialKevinD