Been in ‘wedding organising mode’ the last couple of days. It is weird being on this side of the wedding and not being the priest. In a strange way I can’t stop playing the ‘Oh I’m getting married and I don’t know what to do’, helpless role, whereas when I am in ‘professional mode’, I’m like..
‘this is what you do, have you thought about this and that?
Who will be giving you away?
Who will be signing the register?
q u e s t i o n...?
and another 17 questions...????????
The couple generally look at me with wide eyes... err... well... umm... err... yes... hadn't thought about that...
I’m a bit more sympathetic, suddenly, funnily enough. There are lots of little decisions to make, and they start to feel overwhelming, and there are delicate relationships within families that need considering... the questions aren't so easy to answer.
Reminds me of when I was a University Lecturer and I used to roll my eyes because the students not only failed to bring their calculators, but sometimes would fail to bring a pen and paper too! For goodness sake!!!!! And another thing – why had they not done the work I’d set them?
And then when I started training for ordination, on an evening and weekend course, often I would find myself asking my neighbour for a piece of paper.. and sometimes a pen too! Oooooops.... Oh, and it was tough to get the essays in because I had a life other than the course which also required my attention. It was an eye-opening experience, being both a lecturer and student at the same time. Suddenly, I was a much more sympathetic lecturer!
Anyway.. back to the point..
It feels like there are lots of things to do, even though our wedding is going to be microscopically small…
Here are some decisions we have made so far:
- Number of guests – 20
- Church - tick
- Venue for meal – tick
- No photographer
- No Cake
- No bouquet
- Order of service (mostly)
- Hymns (perhaps)
- Readings (maybe)
- Witnesses
- Rings ordered
- Wedding dress ordered online (fingers crossed)
- Priest to marry us
Plus we’ve started the Banns process and sent off the invitations.
I could do with your help though… If you have time, can you tell me:
1. Your favourite music to go out to.
2. Some non-classical music that would be good for signing the register.
3. Your favourite wedding hymns.
4. Your favourite wedding readings (esp a Gospel passage)
Thanks – hope not to be too fixated on this over the next few weeks!