Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ta da! « style:thrifted

Meet the Aristocrat, our new home away from home!

We've been looking at trailers for a few months but everything we found in our price range (read: free) was super gross. But this little gem has been sitting, virtually untouched since 1971. Check out the avocado stove and the rainbow bright wallpaper.

Complete with crochet pillow and floral upholstery!

Okay, I know it's dated, but everything is mint! Very little rust, the wood paneling (albeit ugly) is in good shape, and the stove looks brand new! I'm super excited about doing a mini remodel on this beauty. But here's the dilemma: how do we update this lovely while maintaining the vintage vibe? And what goes with pit green?

Sean wants to change the sticker to read: You're passing an Aristocrat. And yes, that it a window in the bathroom. So this is the little secret I was telling you about the other day. Aren't you glad the suspense is over? :) Facebook