Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Eyes are the most precious gift of God. The ability to see through them is another greatest blessing of Allah. In this modern age which is known as IT age, use of computers has put a great stress on eyes. Everybody whether he uses computer for entertainment or to do some job, puts pressure on eyes. Looking constantly on TV screens or monitors weakens eyesight and creates many other eyes problems.
Tips to care eyes for professionals:
1. Avoid constantly looking on monitors. After half an hour work, look aside.
2. Blink your eyes regularly. It will lessen the pressure on your eyes. Otherwise constant looking can dry up your eyes. Blink 12-15 times in a minute.
3. Rub your palms. It will warm them up. Now keep them on tour eyes. This act will relax and sooth eyes.
4. Take exercise of eyes regularly. It’s simple. Blink eyes many times. Then close them. Now move eyes clockwise and anticlockwise for some time. While doing this act, inhale and exhale breathe slowly.
5. Splashing water on your eyes can refresh them during work.
6. Walk can be good for eyes as during walk blood circulates and its supply to eyes increase. So it can refresh your body and mind.
7. Fix anti glare glass on your monitor to keep eyes protected.
8. Never watch TV or do work on computer in dark room. There should be proper arrangement of light in room.
9. Don’t do work on computer late at night. It can result into dark circles.
How to remove dark circles.
• Apply milk cream on them at night.
• Use cotton soaked in chilled milk on eyes.
• Use cucumber slices on eyes to refresh them
• Massage coconut oil on them.