Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Wedding is the most important and memorable day in all the women. Therefore they desire to look most beautiful and attractive. It is easy to succeed in this purpose if they try to apply the makeup carefully on their face. Some tips can help you if you follow them.

1. Firstly see your skin that is it oily or dry because both types of skin require different kinds of makeup. The women having the dry skin should use the liquid makeup while the women those have the dry skin should use the powder form makeup.
2. Cleansing is very important for you because it makes your face neat and clean therefore you should do it before starting the makeup. It increases the power to hold the makeup on your face. All the dust particles and black spots are removed. Your face gets freshness.
3. Now make a strong foundation on your face because foundation is in fact a factor which increases the brightness of your face and make you attractive. More it is strong, longer it will remain. The entire white complexion you find on your face is due to the strong foundation.
4. Blush is applied because it gives you a natural pink color look to your face. It plays an important role to make you beautiful. Blush makes an elegant and impressive look.
5. Eye makeup has its own importance because eyes are that part of your face which are considered as an expression of beauty and cause to attract the people. Eyes makeup can make you beautiful or ugly because if you have applied it on your face according to your dress and other makeup then you will succeed to get an impressive look otherwise you may fail in your purpose. Contact lenses are also used if you want to match your eye color with your dress and if you use them then you should know all the precautions about them.
6. Lipstick is the main recognition of women. Lipstick makes you attractive and beautiful if you apply it according to the makeup of eyes. Commonly the matching of eye shades color and lipstick color makes you fabulous. It is used in the end of all the makeup. Keep your teeth safe from the lipstick.

Remember always that bride is being looked by all the people therefore you should apply the makeup carefully because your makeup can make you elegant and attractive and you also may lose all the impression of beauty due to a little mistake.