Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Lipstick plays a main role in all the makeup. If you have applied all the makeup on your face leaving the lipstick then it is useless to get a beauty look and on the other hand if you have applied only lipstick leaving all other makeup, you can get an attractive look. Lipstick is that part of makeup which can never be left at any cost because all the impression which you get is due to the lipstick. It is not so much easy to apply the lipstick perfectly therefore you should act upon the following tips to apply the lipstick if you want to make it perfect.
1. Firstly see the time of party for which you are applying the lipstick because day time require some colors and evening time demands some colors. Besides this see the occasion or type of party because different types of parties require different colors such as the wedding party, birthday party and simple dinner party.
2. Choose the lipstick color according to your makeup and dress. Now it depends upon your choice that you want to match the lipstick with them or want to make a contrast of lipstick color with all them. It also depends upon your complexions that have you white, brown or dark complexion.
3. Lipstick is that part of makeup which is usually applied in the end of all the makeup therefore you should not feel a difficulty in applying it. Its reason is that you can choose an appropriate color and type of lipstick and you can apply a line before or after applying the lipstick easily.
4. You should avoid using the dark liner with light lipstick and light liner with dark lipstick because it produces a bad impression. The correct selection of lipstick and lip liner is that they should match with each other.
5. Never apply the lipstick in this way that start from one corner to other corner of lips. The correct way for applying the lipstick is that start it from one corner to the center and then from the other corner to again at the center or start the lipstick from center to the corner and again from center to the other corner. It will make symmetry in the lips otherwise you will lose it and all the impression of makeup will be wasted.
6. Keep your teeth safe when you apply the lipstick because if it touches your teeth then it will also produce a bad impression.
Remember always that lipstick is that main part of makeup which may increase or may lose all the impression of natural beauty therefore you should apply it carefully.