Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CONVERSATION: Does being a Gay man, mean being Feminine?

Recently I went to dinner with some of my Hetro homies, a new dude came alone with us. 

Everyone knows about me, we have been friends with years, well while eating, they new guy 

says...so your the gay one? You don't act gay or look gay. My friends just stopped eating...I 

looked a the dude and said..."neither do you."...I think he got the hint. now I love when people 

are themselves. do you have fun. But its obvious that most of mainstream america, think that 

gay men are automatically feminine. When I meet women that try to come on to me, and I tell 

them that I am gay, they automatically assume I am down low, and I am not...i am just private 

and proud of it. There are some feminine brother out there, no big deal....be you. BUT when 

does it cross the line in to attention whoring?when does it become a caricature, a stereo type 

that is unfortunately attached to every gay man? Does the gay community have a shortage of 

"regular, masculine men?" Talk back,