Monday, May 16, 2011

Miaow | Le Petit Asian

My assumption of people is that I don't know who they are.
I never know who they are because people are so unpredictable.
We never know people, so we assume things about them. It disturbs me when people have bad opinions of others even though they don't know anything about them. Its amazing the kind of conclusions we all drive at. We should have hunches about people, we should think we know some one in some way, but we should never assume some thing. What's with all these bad opinions anyway? I'm surprised by how nice people can really be. If people turn nasty, I dismiss it as the relationship isn't working, not because the person is a bad human being. He or she is who he/she is, I don't think anything less of the person unless they become judgemental fools. If I dont get along with someone, we just don't fit and if I don't like the situation and dont see how it could improve, I leave. Not because the person is bad, the person needs to find someone else who clicks with him/her and brings out the good things.

Different people bring out different sides of you. Some bring out the possessive side while others bring out a more selfless and nurturing side. The latter is what I'd like to keep. Loving or liking someone is not about possession. It's some thing selfless and there's no need to be with someone I like. I like a person because of the person and he/she brings out the best in me. Also, admiration towards the person is something I absolutely enjoy. It's the best kind of liking to engage in. To like a person from a distance and if the person likes me back, then hopefully some thing comes out of it, if not, it's okay.

The unwinnable arguments seen by that 36 year old. I've learnt never to blame our misfortunes on other people. Shit happens all the damn time, we create our own future, you create your own shit. So don't call me a cheap asshole because yes, maybe I am, but how is that even your problem?

We create our own futures, shit happens, we deal with it. If you want a different outcome, then perhaps, being nice to someone is actually something you might want to look at. Because, yeah sure, shouting at someone and calling them an arse is going to make them want to validate their good human soul to you. Don't blame others for your shit because you honestly, have to seriously, grow the fuck up.